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Recommended Palliative Care for Prostate Cancer

When dealing with a serious illness, like prostate cancer, patients and their families are faced with a lot of physical, emotional, mental, financial and spiritual stress. To help you get through this difficult time, Regional Cancer Care Associates will be by your side with a team of doctors, nurses and staff to provide cutting-edge treatment and compassionate palliative care. No matter what stage your illness is at, you can always rely on RCCA for help.

Palliative Care for Prostate Cancer

When you think about prostate cancer care, you probably think about things like surgery, chemotherapy and hormone therapy. But care encompasses much more than that. Patients also need palliative care, which is defined as a type of treatment used to help alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. Palliative care is available for all prostate cancer patients, whether they were just diagnosed, recovering from treatment or dealing with the effects of advanced illness.

Managing Prostate Cancer Symptoms

Palliative care can take many forms. One of the main components of palliative care is symptom management. At any point in time, prostate cancer patients may need help with any of the following:

  • Urinating
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Pain
  • Fatigue
  • Side effects of chemotherapy and other treatments

If you want relief from any physical symptoms or side effects you may be experiencing, talk to your doctor or your palliative care team. They’ll help figure out which medications, exercises or other types of support can help.

Other Types of Palliative Care

Aside from controlling symptoms, palliative care specialists will be there to help you make important decisions and answer all your questions throughout the treatment process. They can also help ease your anxiety and fears and recommend support groups and even therapy. Their goal is to help you feel as comfortable as possible, so don’t be afraid to discuss your emotional, financial or transportation struggles with them, so that they can match you with the right resources to help.

At RCCA, You’re Never Alone

Dealing with prostate cancer is not easy, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Turn to Regional Cancer Care Associates for all your care needs.

we are here for you

For more information or to schedule an appointment,
call 844-346-7222. You can also schedule an appointment by calling the RCCA location nearest you.


Regional Cancer Care Associates is one of fewer than 200 medical practices in the country selected to participate in the Oncology Care Model (OCM); a recent Medicare initiative aimed at improving care coordination and access to and quality of care for Medicare beneficiaries undergoing chemotherapy treatment.